Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met June 12, 2024, with the following members present: Jim Kivi, Harold Wheeler, Sally Johnston, Heather Schmidt, Derrick Dengler, Ashley Reif. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present. Absent were: Al Rabenold, LeAnn James and Nicole VerMeer.
The minutes from the May meeting were read. It was motioned by Dengler and seconded by Johnston to approve the minutes; motion approved.
The treasurer’s report was read and moved by Kivi and seconded by Wheeler; motion approved.
Dengler moved to pay the bills and seconded by Schmidt.
Public Comment and correspondence: no public comments, Debbie Iverson emailed positive feedback about the email newsletters.
Reports: No new reports, funding rates were included for everyone to look at
Old Business: no old business
New Business: State library: Bridges Selectors (Libby App), Christine was selected to go through materials and select books. We discussed the custodian not using all the hours allotted to clean. The library has been busy, we also discussed what we can do when loaning from another library or our library and not getting items returned. The summer reading program starts Friday. New kids computer (a touchscreen) was purchased. The Westercamps received $4,500. Jim Sanders donated $4,000 to the Friends of the Library. Adventure passes that are able to be used are to the Science Center, Arboretum and the Zoo.
Motion to adjourn meeting by Dengler and seconded by Wheeler.
Next meeting is scheduled for July 10th, 2024
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met May 8, 2024, with the following members present: Vice-President Harold Wheeler, Derrick Dengler, LeAnn James, Sally Johnston, Nicole VerMeer. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present. Absent were Jim Kivi, Al Rabenold and Heather Schmidt.
The minutes from the April meeting were read. It was motioned by Johnston and seconded by James to approve the minutes; motion approved.
The treasurer's report was read and moved by James to pay the bills as reported, seconded by Dengler; motion approved.
Public Comment and Correspondence: John and Betty Westercamp memorial information received.
Reports: Library Director Grimm provided a report on the activities of the past month including bee hive decorating with Pleasant Grove Homestead and the after-school Game On! program.
Old Business: Grimm shared that board member Barb Baker resigned. The board greatly appreciates her many years of service. The board will continue to discuss possible replacements at the June meeting.
New Business: Summer reading programs and activities are set along with Play 2 Learn Camps for ages 3-7.
Motion by Dengler, seconded by James to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for June 12, 2024.
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met April 10, 2024 with the following members present: President Jim Kivi, Derrick Dengler, LeAnn James, Sally Johnston, Al Rabenold, Nicole VerMeer and Harold Wheeler. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present. Absent was Heather Schmidt.
The minutes from the March meeting were read. It was motioned by James and seconded by Johnston to approve the minutes; motion approved.
The treasurer’s report was read and moved by James to pay the bills as reported, seconded by Rabenold, motion approved.
Public Comment and Correspondence: none
Reports: Library Director Grimm provided a report on the activities of the past month.
Old business: Grimm received notification that the library was awarded the full $4000 from the Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation. The funds will be used to offer more engagement opportunities for families. Also, Grimm informed the board that $3600 was approved by the Poweshiek County Board of Supervisors to assist in the purchasing of a new children’s early literacy computer station. More details about both grants can be found in the Library Spring newsletter.
New Business: Grimm shared that board member Barb Baker will be resigning. The board greatly appreciates her many years of service. The board will discuss possible replacements at the May meeting.
Motion by James second by Dengler to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for May 8, 2024.
Meeting Minutes-January 10, 2024
Meeting Minutes-December 14, 2023
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met December 14, 2023 with the following members present: Harold Wheeler, Derrick Dengler, Nicole VerMeer, Jim Kivi, Sally Johnston, Heather Schmidt and Barb Baker. Boyd Sparks and LeAnn James were absent. Library Director Christine Grimm was present along with Friends Board Member Troy Bliss.
Jim Kivi called the meeting to order.
The minutes of the November 8 were read with motion by Dengler and seconded by Johnston to approve the minutes as read. Motion approved unanimously.
The treasurer’s report was read and moved by Dengler and seconded by Johnston. On motion by Johnston to pay the bills as reported, seconded by VerMeer. Motion approved unanimously.
Public Comment and Correspondence: None
Old Business: Replacement for Board Member Al Rabenold. His name will be sent to the city office.
Staff Reports: Librarian Grimm presented a slide show for her report. Highlights were kid librarian, popcorn and movie day, holiday hours, and a reading challenge between the Montezuma 3rd, 4th and 5th graders and the library board, friends board and library staff during the month of January.
New Business: The board began discussion for the FY25 budget. The board will finalize the budget during the January meeting.
Motion by Dengler and seconded by Schmidt to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for January 10, 2024.
Barb Baker, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-November 8, 2023
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met November 8, 2023 with the following members present: President Jim Kivi, Derrick Dengler, Sally Johnston, LeAnn James, Nicole VerMeer and Harold Wheeler. Library Director Christine Grimm and City Clerk Christy Sanger were also present. Absent were Boyd Sparks, Barb Baker and Heather Schmidt.
The minutes from October were read, moved by James and seconded by Dengler to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was read and moved by James to pay the bills as reported, seconded by Wheeler, motion approved.
Public Comment and Correspondence: none
Reports: Library director Grimm provided a report on the activities of the past month including fire truck rides and a visit to the nursing home for story hour participants. This year, pumpkin decorating contest had 17 entries.
Old business: Grimm reviewed with board members the benefits of the Adventure Pass that the Friends of the Montezuma Public Library sponsors.
New Business: City Clerk Christy Sanger attended the meeting to provide an update on salaries and benefit packages. Discussion on the ability to increase salaries for the FY25 budget year. Sanger advised the board to determine what the priorities are for FY25 and what is a need versus what is a want. Discussed contracting out snow removal and lawn care.
Motion by James seconded by Wheeler to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for December 14, 2023.
Meeting Minutes-October 11, 2023
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met October 11, 2023 with the following members present: Harold Wheeler, LeAnn James, Derrick Dengler, Nicole VerMeer, Jim Kivi, Sally Johnston, Heather Schmidt and Barb Baker. Boyd Sparks was absent. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
Kivi called the meeting to order.
The minutes of the September 13, 2023 meeting was read and moved by James and seconded by Dengler to approve the minutes as read. Motion approved unanimously.
Public Comment and Correspondence: None
Old Business: Checking account items still come off our budget.
New Business: The board reviewed and discussed the Montezuma Public Library Personnel Policy. With no changes needed and motion by James and seconded by VerMeer. Motion approved unanimously.
The board reviewed and discussed Montezuma Public Library Director's Annual Review. Grimm left the room during the discussion. The board reviewed the results with Grimm.
Staff Reports: Grimm showed a slideshow for what has been happening around the library this past month.
Motion by James and seconded by VerMeer to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for November 8, 2023.
Barb Baker, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-September 13, 2023
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met September 13, 2023 with the following members present: Harold Wheeler, LeAnn James, Derrick Dengler, Nicole VerMeer, Jim Kivi and Barb Baker. Sally Johnston and Boyd Sparks were absent. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
Kivi called the meeting to order.
The minutes of the August 9th, 2023 meeting was read and moved by James and seconded by Dengler to approve the minutes as read. Motion approved unanimously.
Public Comment and Correspondence: The library received a letter from Paul Powell requesting to use the library.
Old Business: None
New Business: The board reviewed four applications for custodian. Dengler motioned to hire Chelsey Kilmer, seconded by VerMeer. Her pay will be reviewed after three months and then annually.
The board reviewed and discussed the Montezuma Public Library Customer Conduct Policy. With no changes needed and motion by James and seconded by Dengler. Motion approved unanimously.
With a motion by VerMeer and seconded by Dengler to authorize Grimm to spend up to $1200.00 on wooden book bins for the children's reading area.
Staff Reports: Grimm showed a slideshow for what has been happening around the library this past month.
Motion by Dengler and seconded by James to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for October 11, 2023.
Barb Baker, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-August 9, 2023
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met August 9, 2023 with the following members present: Harold Wheeler, Taren Young, LeAnn James, Sally Johnston, Derrick Dengler and Barb Baker. Jim Kivi, Boyd Sparks and Nicole VerMeer were absent. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
Harold Wheeler called the meeting to order.
The minutes of the July 12, 2023 meeting was read and moved by James and seconded by Johnston. On motion by Dengler to pay the bills as reported, seconded by James. Motion approved unanimously. The bill from Ray Electric will be paid from the checking account.
Public Comment and Correspondence: None
Staff Reports: Grimm will be applying for a traveling exhibit from the American Holocaust Museum for five to six weeks, this is sponsored by the American Library Association. If Grimm receives this the board will determine where we will display the program.
Old Business: The board discussed the old trees between the library and Monica’s shop. Wheeler will talk to the city as far as removal.
New Business: The board reviewed and discussed the Montezuma Public Library Disaster Response Plan. With no changes needed, and motion by Young and seconded by Dengler. Motion approved unanimously.
The board reviewed and discussed the Montezuma Public Library Registered Sex Offender Policy. With no changes needed, and motion by Johnston and seconded by James. Motion approved unanimously.
The board reviewed and discussed the Montezuma Public Library Unattended Children Policy. With no changes needed and motion by James and seconded by Johnston. Motion approved unanimously.
The board reviewed and discussed the Montezuma Public Library By-Laws. With no changes needed and motion by James and seconded by Dengler. Motion approved unanimously.
Motion by Young and seconded by James to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for September 13, 2023.
Barb Baker, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-July 12, 2023
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met July 12, 2023 with the following members present: Jim Kivi, Harold Wheeler, Taren Young, Nicole VerMeer and Barb Baker. Boyd Sparks, Derrick Dengler, Sally Johnston and LeAnn James were absent. Library Director Christine Grimm was also absent.
The minutes of the June 14, 2023 meeting were read with motion by Young and seconded by Wheeler to approve the minutes as read. Motion approved unanimously.
The treasurer’s report was read and moved by Wheeler and seconded by VerMeer. On motion by VerMeer to pay the bills as reported, seconded by Young. Motion approved unanimously.
Public Comment and Correspondence: none.
Staff Reports: none
Old Business: none
New Business: The board reviewed and discussed the Montezuma Public Library Internet Usage and Wireless Policy. With no changes needed, and motion by VerMeer and seconded by Wheeler. Motion approved unanimously.
The board reviewed and discussed the Montezuma Public Library Bulletin Board Policy. With no changes needed, and motion by VerMeer and seconded by Young. Motion approved unanimously.
The board reviewed and discussed the Montezuma Public Library Exhibits and Display Policy. With no changes needed and motion by VerMeer and seconded by Young. Motion approved unanimously.
Motion by VerMeer and seconded by Young to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for August 9, 2023.
Barb Baker, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-June 14, 2023
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met June 14, 2023 with the following members present: Vice President Harold Wheeler, Taren Young, LeAnn James, Sally Johnston, Boyd Sparks, and Nicole VerMeer. President Jim Kivi, Derrick Dengler and Barb Baker were absent. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
The minutes of May 2023 were read with motion by James and seconded by Young to approve the minutes as read. Motion approved.
The treasurer’s report was read and moved by James to pay the bills as reported, seconded by Young with motion approved.
Public Comment and Correspondence: Certificate of Deposit report of $38696.15 from Montezuma State Bank.
Reports: Library Director Grimm reported on upcoming events that includes the 64-area youth who are signed up for the summer reading program. Spy camp is in its second week and the RARE raptor program sponsored by the Montezuma Community Boosters will be attending the June Booster Bash on the square. The weekly Lunch Bunch group is being led by Young and they are reading “The BFG” by Roald Dahl. One hundred passes to the Blank Park Zoo were given out. The Friends sponsored Library Adventure Passes where patrons can visit the following venues for free one time in a calendar year: Science Center in Des Moines, Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden and Iowa Arboretum & Gardens in Madrid.
Old business: Bids to replace lighting throughout the library have been received from Breese Electric and Ray Electric. Breese Electric bid dated 6/13/23 was for $13,201.20. Ray Electric’s bid from 2/23/23 was $12,365.00. The board discussed getting an updated bid from Ray Electric in case there had been any price increases since February. Once received, Grimm will share the bid with board members and a special meeting will be called to vote on the received bids.
New Business: Discussed asking Friends of the Montezuma Public Library if they’d like to join the Montezuma Business Boosters.
Motion by James seconded by Young to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for July 12, 2023.
Barb Baker, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-May 10, 2023
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met May 10, 2023 with the following members present: Jim Kivi, Derrick Dengler, LeAnn James, Harold Wheeler, Sally Johnston, Taren Young and Barb Baker. Boyd Sparks and Nicole VerMeer were absent. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
The minutes of the April 12th, 2023 meeting were read with motion by Dengler and seconded by James to approve the minutes as read. Motion approved unanimously.
The treasurer’s report was read and moved by James and seconded by Young. On motion by James to pay the bills as reported, seconded by Young. Motion approved unanimously.
Public Comment and Correspondence: none.
Staff Reports, Library Director Christine Grimm told the board that she has been in contact with Montezuma FFA President Madison Van Zee about having them clean up and plant new flowers and mulch for a service project since we didn’t have the annual Monte Pride day this year. Plans are that after graduation this weekend that they would work on this.
Old Business, MCG switched the phones for the library over last week. Access was in last week and replaced the switch that had gone bad. The board has not received the lighting proposal that we are waiting on so that has been moved to next month.
Grimm presented a slide show of the past activities in the library. The library will sponsor an Adventure Pass with your library card and also a Raptors presentation will be at the June 22nd Community Booster Bash.
Motion by James and seconded by Dengler to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for June 14, 2023.
Barb Baker, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-April 12, 2023
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met April 12, 2023 with the following members present: Jim Kivi, Derrick Dengler, LeAnn James, Nicole VerMeer, Harold Wheeler, Sally Johnston, Taren Young and Barb Baker. Boyd Sparks was absent. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
The minutes of the March 2023 meeting were read with motion by James and seconded by Young to approve the minutes as read. Motion approved unanimously.
The treasurer’s report was read and moved by VerMeer and seconded by Young. On motion by James to pay the bills as reported, seconded by Dengler. Motion approved unanimously.
Public Comment and Correspondence: none.
Staff Reports, during the disaster recovery policy process it was found that we don’t have any smoke detectors in the library building. The library director has placed an order for 6 detectors with carbon monoxide combination. Grimm will check with the city employees or Joel Kercheval about installing the detectors in the areas recommended.
Old Business, the board reviewed the quote provided from MCG for phone services for the library. Since we are able to switch from Windstream and we can keep our old phone numbers, Windstream monthly bill is $117.00, with MCG the monthly bill will be around $71.00 depending on the number of long- distance calling. On motion by Dengler and seconded by James, the board authorized Grimm to contract with MCG for our phone service. Motion approved unanimously.
The board reviewed the access quote for the switch for the library. On motion by Johnston and seconded by Young. Motion approved unanimously.
New Business, Grimm is working on the Disaster Response Plan, Grimm presented the working plan on her computer, she will present the finished plan once completed for board approval.
Some of our current part-time helpers are not able to work this summer, Grimm has found a person to fill that spot, she wouldn’t work more than 85 hours, she will be paid the same as current part time staff.
Grimm presented a slide show of the past activities in the library. The library has been awarded a PCA grant in the amount of $2300.00 to be used for Beanstack which is a web-based program with helps track and motivate readers and is easy to use.
Motion by Dengler and seconded by James to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for May 10, 2023.
Barb Baker, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-March 8, 2023
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met March 8, 2023 with the following members present: Jim Kivi, Derrick Dengler, LeAnn James, Nicole VerMeer, Harold Wheeler and Barb Baker. Sally Johnston, Taren Young and Boyd Sparks were absent. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
The minutes of the February 8, 2023 meeting were read with motion by LeAnn James and seconded by Derrick Dengler to approve the minutes as read. Motion approved uanimously.
The treasurer's report was read and moved by Dengler to pay the bills as reported, seconded by James. Motion approved unanimously.
Public Comment and Correspondence: none.
Old Business: Custodial hours were discussed, Christine will meet with the custodian and discuss the checklists and discuss what items the staff will clean in their down time so that duplication is not taking place.
New Business: The lighting proposal was discussed that we received from Ray Electric. The board felt we needed to get at least one more bid in order to discuss the proposals. Christine is going to contact several more electricians to submit bids. The new bids will be discussed next month.
Internet equipment and Access was discussed. The library has been having issues with the internet, after discussing with internet provider and computer equipment company, it was found that there is a need for a new switch in the backroom. We will be getting a quote for the switch from Access to discuss next month.
MCG has given us a quote for telephone services for the library to switch from Windstream. Christine will check with MCG to clarify questions regarding the quote and if we will need to change phone numbers.
The board reviewed the presented Montezuma Public Library Circulation Policy. After discussion it was motioned by VerMeer and seconded by James to approve the Circulation Policy as presented. Motion approved uanimously.
Motion by Dengler and seconded by Wheeler to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Barb Baker, Secretary

Meeting Minutes-January 11, 2023
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met January 11, 2023 with the following members present: President Jim Kivi, Sally Johnston, Boyd Sparks, LeAnn James, Nicole VerMeer, Taren Young and Harold Wheeler. Absent: Barb Baker, Derrick Dengler. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
The minutes of the December 2022 meeting will be read at the February meeting.
The treasurer’s report was read and moved by James to pay the bills as reported, seconded by Johnston, motion approved.
Bills: Motion by Sparks and seconded by Young to approve December bills. Motion approved.
Public Comment and Correspondence: CD certificate was received from Peoples Savings Bank on 12/31/22. Balance this statement was $44,239.12 with interest paid in 2022 being $547.85.
Reports: Library Director Grimm provided a report on the number of patrons who have used the library recently. Community member Troy Bliss asked Grimm about starting a gaming club. New Game On! program is open to 3rd-12 graders after school from 3:30-5pm on some Tuesday afternoons. Friends of the Montezuma Public Library had a fundraising golf outing in August. The funds raised bought a nice mobile book display shelf on wheels for the library. STEM Mania hosted by the Poweshiek County ISU Extension office is scheduled for some upcoming no school days.
Old business: Continued discussion on proposed budget for FY24. When asked about possible increases for funding this next year, City Finance Director Abby Hubbard recommended increasing line items by 2-3% which are listed below. Salary line item includes a 3 percent cost of living increase for full-time and part-time library staff. Motion by James and seconded by Young to approve the budget request as listed below. It was unanimously approved.
001-410-6010 |
47,500.00 |
48,925.00 |
112-410-6110 |
3,725.00 |
3,725.00 |
112-410-6130 |
4,450.00 |
4,450.00 |
112-410-6150 |
25,000.00 |
25,000.00 |
001-410-6230 |
250.00 |
400.00 |
001-410-6310 |
5,000.00 |
5,200.00 |
001-410-6371 |
7,700.00 |
7,900.00 |
001-410-6502 |
25,000.00 |
25,000.00 |
001-410-6505 |
1,500.00 |
1,500.00 |
001-410-6507 |
4,500.00 |
5,500.00 |
001-410-6750 |
2,500.00 |
6,000.00 |
127,125.00 |
133,600.00 |
Board discussed the needed lighting improvements throughout the library. Recommended increasing capital outlay from $2500 to $6000 to start on the project. Grimm has a detailed lighting proposal to be included in information provided to city council.
Grimm told the board she will be applying for up to $9000 in grant funding this year to expand what services our library is able to offer. The board discussed the need to track grant income and expenses separately and will be asking to have the $9000 added under its own grant funding revenue and expense line item. The board will learn in April if our PCA grant application is approved.
The board was aware that Access’s annual fee of $3999 was going to be added as a new separate technology line item, but Grimm did not learn until the day of the board meeting that the library’s share of the new city computer server would be $4000.
New Business: Grimm presented information regarding the AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP program. RSVP is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people 55 and older. The board welcomed Grimm exploring the program more to see how it can enhance life for patrons in our community.
Motion by Sparks seconded by Wheeler to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for February 8, 2023.
Nicole VerMeer, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-December 14, 2022
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met December 14, 2022 with the following members present: President Jim Kivi, Sally Johnston, Boyd Sparks, LeAnn James, Nicole VerMeer, Taren Young, Derrick Dengler, Barb Baker and Harold Wheeler. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
The minutes of the November 2022 meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer’s report was read and moved by James to pay the bills as reported, seconded by Dengler, motion approved.
Bills: Motion by Sparks and seconded by Young to approve November bills. Motion approved.
Public Comment and Correspondence:
Reports: Library Director Grimm provided an update on November activities and programs at the library. Library of Trees has started and groups are putting up their trees. The winner will be determined by the number of food items placed by individual trees. In January the food collected will be donated to the Montezuma Food Pantry.
Old business: Discussion was planned on proposed budget for FY24. Prior to meeting, the normal recommendations for projected increases were not received from City Finance Director Abby Hubbard, so discussion was limited.
New Business: Grimm updated the board on programs scheduled for January.
Motion by Sparks seconded by Wheeler to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for January 11, 2023.
Nicole VerMeer, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-November 9, 2022
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met November 9, 2022 with the following members present: Harold Wheeler, Nicole VerMeer, Sally Johnston, Jim Kivi, Derrick Dengler, Boyd Sparks and Barb Baker. Absent was LeAnn James and Taren Young. Libary Director Christine Grimm was also present.
Jim Kivi called the meeting to order.
On motion by Sally Johnston, the secretary minutes were read and approved, it was seconded by Boyd Sparks. It was unanimously approved.
The treasurer's report was read and discussed, there was a motion by Derrick Dengler, seconded by Harold Wheeler to approve the treasurer report, it was unanimously approved.
Motion by Nicole VerMeer and second by Sally Johnston, to pay the bills as presented. It was approved unanimously.
Old Business: Jim shared that we received $101.85 from the unclaimed property from the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt.
New Business: We have a high school volunteer through the AEA. He will get credit for working 1 to 3 hours per week.
Christine will be attending the Board of Supevisors meeting this month with other Poweshiek County library personnel to discuss the amount we receive from the county.
We discussed the Carnegie Library Digitizing Project, we agreed that Christine can contact them to pick up our old minutes to digitize, she needs to log what is taken so we make sure it is returned.
Trustee training was discussed. We need to have a requirement of 3 hours per year. Several members attended a webinar for 1.5 hours of training put on by the state library, others have been able to watch at their homes which satisfies this requirement, so we only have 1 more webinar to attend to complete this which will be on November 30 from 6:00-7:30pm.
On motion by Derrick Dengler and a second by Boyd Sparks, the meeting adjourned. It was unanimously approved.
Barb Baker, Assistant Secretary
Meeting Minutes-October 12, 2022
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met October 12, 2022 with the following members present: President Jim Kivi, Harold Wheeler, Nicole VerMeer, LeAnn James, Taren Young, Derrick Dengler. Absent: Barb Baker, Boyd Sparks, Sally Johnston. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
Kivi called the meeting to order.
The minutes of the September 14, 2022 meeting were read. James made the motion to approve and Young seconded it. It was unanimously approved.
The treasurer's report was read and discussed. Dengler made a motion to approve and James seconded it. It was unanimously approved.
James made the motion to approve to pay the bills as presented. It was approved unanimously.
Reports: Grimm reported that Country Carpet Cleaners were able to completely clean all the carpets in the library. The Library Buzz-the Library Director's monthly report said that 937 books were loaned out in September with at least 75 people utilizing the community room over last month's time frame. During fire prevention week, our volunteer fire department gave fire truck rides to those attended story hour. Also, EMS Director Joel Kercheval read to story time participants. Grimm visited 15 elementary classrooms in September promoting our library and reading to them. Grimm also highlighted the upcoming Fall Literacy Festival on October 15.
Old Business: Light bulb and fixture replacement was discussed. Grimm contacted Denny Lowry about options and Lowry sent a list of possible replacement options that included converting the current lights over to LED lights. Wheeler explained to the board that there have always been issues with the lighting since the library opened in 2005 due to the type of fixtures and bulbs that were installed. After discussion the board asked Grimm to reach out to Lowry for more information into LED lighting.
New Business: To reach a minimum of Tier 2 accreditation, the board must complete and annual performance evaluation of library director Grimm. Using the City of Montezuma's annual performance review template, the board completed Grimm's report. The form was printed and signed by President Kivi. Grimm will keep a copy with annual accrediation documentation.
On motion by James and seconded by Young, the meeting adjourned. It was unanimously approved.
Nicole VerMeer, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-September 14, 2022
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met September 14, 2022 with the following members present: President Jim Kivi, Harold Wheeler, Nicole VerMeer, LeAnn James, Sally Johnston, Taren Bates and Barb Baker. Absent: Derrick Dengler and Boyd Sparks. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
Kivi called the meeting to order.
The minutes of the August 10, 2022 meeting were read. James made the motion to approve and Johnston seconded it. It was unanimously approved.
The treasurer’s report was read and discussed. Johnston made a motion to approve and James seconded it. It was unanimously approved.
Johnston made the motion to approve to pay the bills as presented, with the exception of the Access Systems bill, as the board is wanting more clarification of this bill prior to paying it. Kivi is going to talk with Abby at the city office for this clarification. It was approved unanimously.
Reports: It was shared by Kivi that the library will receive $104.00 from the unclaimed property from the State of Iowa after he fills out the paperwork.
It was moved by Johnston and seconded by Young to authorize Kivi as President and VerMeer as Secretary to sign the signature cards at Montezuma State Bank for our accounts which include: checking, savings and two time certificates. It was approved unanimously.
Trustee training was discussed. Each trustee has to have three hours per year. Several trustees attended a webinar for 1.5 hours of training put on the by the State Library. Others have been able to watch at their homes which satisfies this requirement. There would only be one more webinar to watch.
Grimm contacted Country Carpet Cleaners to come in and completely clean the carpets at the library. Brad Hutchcraft told Grimm the cost would be $600.00 for this job and that they could complete it on September 30 and October 1.
Grimm will be attending a Disaster Recovery Class on October 20. The board approved paying mileage for this meeting.
On motion by James and seconded by Young, the meeting adjourned. It was unanimously approved.
Barb Baker, Assistant Secretary
Meeting Minutes-August 10, 2022
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met August 10, 2022 with the following members present: President Jim Kivi, Derrick Dengler, LeAnn James, Boyd Sparks, Sally Johnston, Taren Young, Barb Baker and Harold Wheeler. Absent: Nicole VerMeer. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
The minutes of the July 13, 2022 meeting were read and approved. Johnston made the motion, Dengler seconded it. It was unanimously approved.
The treasurer's report was read and discussed. There was a motion by James, seconded by Sparks to approve the treasurer's report. It was unanimously approved.
Motion by Sparks and seconded by James to pay the bills as presented. It was approved unanimously.
Grimm shared that she received an unclaimed property notice for the library and Kivi will check with the city in regard to this.
New Business: There was a request for a memorial plaque for Jean Johnson. It was discussed to talk to the family to see if book stickers for Large Print books would be okay with them instead of a plaque.
An agenda item for next meeting is checking into getting the carpet cleaning estimate.
On motion by Dengler and seconded by Sparks, the meeting was adjourned. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for September 14, 2022.
Barb Baker, Assistant Secretary
Meeting Minutes-July 13, 2022
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met July 13, 2022 with the following members present: President Jim Kivi, Barb Baker, Derrick Dengler, Sally Johnston, Boyd Sparks and Nicole VerMeer. Absent: Taren Young, LeAnn James, Harold Wheeler and Library Director Christine Grimm.
The minutes of the June 9, 2022 regular board meeting and June 22, 2022 special meeting were read and approved. July treasurer's report was viewed with motion by Baker and seconded by Dengler to pay July's bills.
Public Comment and Correspondence: None
Reports: Grimm's Library Director printed report gave statistics, highlights and upcoming events.
Old Business: Proposed shelving units were ordered by City Clerk Christy Sanger at a lower rate than approved.
New Business: Discussion on creating Library Board Google Drive for monthly board documents.
Motion by Sparks, seconded by Baker to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for August 10, 2022.
Nicole VerMeer, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-June 9, 2022
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met June 9, 2022 with the following members present: President Jim Kivi, Sally Johnston, LeAnn James, Nicole VerMeer, Taren Young and Harold Wheeler. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
The minutes of the May 2022 meeting were read and motioned by James, seconded by Wheeler to approve the minutes as written.
The treasurer's report was read, and James moved to pay the bills as reported, seconded by Wheeler, motion approved.
Public Comment and Correspondence: None
Reports: Library Director Grimm reached out to the president of the Montezuma Country Club (MCC) to see if they would be willing to sponsor an end of the summer pool party for those who reached their summer reading goals. She's submitted a donation request to Casey's for 10 pizzas. MCC board was meeting soon to make a decision.
Old Business: Discussion on ability to use Capital Outlay funds in current FY23 budget. President Kivi will be asking for clarification from the City Manager and City Finance Director.
New Business: Grimm proposed hiring Connie Young as a part-time employee to replace Haylie Moore when she goes to college. Motion by James, seconded by Wheeler to approve Grimm hiring Connie for training purposes until August 13 in which time her regularly scheduled hours will begin as Haylie will be going to college. Motion approved.
Motion by James, seconded by Wheeler to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Nicole VerMeer, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-May 11, 2022
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met May 11, 2022 with the following members present: President Jim Kivi, LeAnn James, Nicole VerMeer, Sally Johnston, Barb Baker and Harold Wheeler.
Absent: Derrick Dengler, Janet McKee and Boyd Sparks. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
The minutes of the April 2022 meeting were read and motioned by James, seconded by Wheeler to approve the minutes as written. Previous minutes unanimously approved.
The treasurer's report was read, and James moved to pay the bills as reported, seconded by Sparks, motion approved. Board members noted that there was $4506.25 left in the books, magazines and video budget line item. Grimm reported that $1224.32 would be coming off once the May bills were paid. Grimm plans to spend the $3281.92 left in that line item.
Members expressed concern and confusion as to why the board was unable to spend from other line items such as $1500 in Materials-Library Checking and $2808.97 in Supplies and Misc-Library Checking plus $8000 in capital outlay/buildings. In previous years the library director and board were able to spend down all line items funded through the annual city budget. President Kivi is going to reach out to city finance director Abby Hubbard for clarification.
Bills: Motion by Johnston and seconded by Baker to approve May bills. Motion by James and seconded by Baker to approve Grimm ordering summer reading program supplies from Amazon for $269.13.
Public Comment and Correspondence: None
Reports: Library Director Grimm reported that the library's state accreditation tier status has been upgraded from the lowest level of tier one to tier two. The state library staff made suggestions for how the library staff and board can raise to level three. One of the requirements is to have a new employee orientation for all new staff. Grimm is currently working on creating a manual for the upcoming training of new part-time staff. Grimm is commended for her efforts in increasing the library's tier status.
Old Business: Board motioned and approved the library moving to summer hours beginning Memorial Day weekend and concluding after Labor Day weekend. Grimm gave an update regarding applicants for part-time library positions. A motion by Baker and seconded by James to give authority to library director to hire said applicant after May 20th application deadline. It was unanimously approved. The City of Barnes City has asked to transfer their annual city contract from Oskaloosa to Montezuma. The board viewed the contract number of $191 and voted to approve the contract for the amount they currently pay Oskaloosa.
Part-Time Help: If no one else applies, the board approved giving the authority to library director to hire a part-time applicant after the May 20th application date. The pay scale for part-time employees was brought up as currently part-time staff are paid $10.00 per hour with the board approving a raise to $11.00 per hour beginning July 1, 2022. Motion by Baker, seconded by James to increase wage of currently (5/12/22) employed part-time library staff to $12.00 per hour at the beginning of FY23. Part-time staff hired after 5/12/22, will see an increase to $11.00 per hour in FY23. Both motions were approved and Grimm will inform city officials of the increase starting July 1, 2022.
Policies: The board voted unanimously to dissovle the Montezuma Public Library's operations policy, since all items are duplicated in other policies including: Collection Development and Circulation.
Board member Janet McKee expressed her desire to retire from the library board. The board greatly appreciates her years of service. Multiple possible candidates for a new board member were discussed. Once a candidate is found, their name will be submitted to the city council for approval.
Due to scheduling conflicts, the June board meeting will be moved to 6/9/22.
Motion by Baker, seconded by James to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Nicole VerMeer, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-April 13, 2022
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met April 13, 2022 with the following members present: President Jim Kivi, LeAnn James, Boyd Sparks, Nicole VerMeer, Sally Johnston, and Derrick Dengler. Absent Barb Baker, Harold Wheeler and Janet McKee. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
The minutes of the March 2022 meeting were read and approved. Treasurer’s report was read and Dengler moved to pay the bills as reported, seconded by Sparks, motion approved.
Public Comment and Correspondence: none
Reports: Library Director printed report gave statistics, highlights and upcoming events. A total of 18 community members came to Bingo in March with the next Bingo being on 4/14/22. There were 113 first grade and kindergarten students and teachers that visited the library in March for a tour and to sign up for library cards. Twenty-nine students signed up as new library patrons. It was reported that the Greater Poweshiek County Alliance approved a grant for $4,000 for the library.
Old Business: In order to meet Size C category for state library credentialing the library has to be open certain hours. As long as we have regular hours for nine months of the year, we are able to close on Saturdays. Nicole motioned and Dengler seconded to close the library on Saturdays for the summer months of June, July and August including through Labor Day. While the library will be closed to walk in patrons during the summer, Grimm and library staff will be bringing the library to the community directly by participating in the Montezuma 4th of July festivities and Deep River Fun Days.
New Business: Part-time help, Barnes City Contract
Barnes City’s yearly contract is $191 with the City of Oskaloosa ends in December 2022. The rate they pay is based on taxable value. Part of town is Mahaska County while other parts are in Poweshiek County. Grimm will reach out to the assessor’s office to learn taxable value of both Barnes City and Deep River.
Dengler motioned to approve 13 hours of part time help along with Pat, Francene and Nikki’s current scheduled hours. Motion was seconded by VerMeer and unanimous approval.
Agenda items for next meeting – board training and approving updated operations policy.
Motion by James seconded by Dengler, seconded by Sparks to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for May 11, 2022.
Nicole VerMeer, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-March 9, 2022
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met March 9, 2022 with the following members present:President Jim Kivi, Barb Baker, LeAnn James, Boyd Sparks, Nicole VerMeer and Harold Wheeler. Absent Janet McKee, Sally Johnston and Derrick Dengler. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
The minutes of the February 9, 2022 meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report was not available from the city. February records will be reviewed at the April meeting.
Public Comment and Correspondence: none
Reports: Grimm's Library Director printed report gave statistics, highlights and upcoming events.
Old Business: Motion by Baker, seconded by VerMeer to adopt paragraph K of the Library Circulation Policy.
New Business: Motion by Baker, seconded by James to approve $350 payment for Jeff Quinn's Magical Reading Show to come during the summer reading program. Grimm was commended for involving other local libraries so mileage cost was split between three communities.
Motion by James, seconded by Sparks to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for May 11, 2022.
Nicole VerMeer, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-February 9, 2022
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met February 9, 2022 with the following members present:President Jim Kivi, Harold Wheeler, Derrick Dengler, LeAnn James and Nicole VerMeer. Absent Janet McKee, Sally Johnston, Boyd Sparks and Barb Baker. Library Director Christine Grimm was also absent.
The minutes of the January 12th, 2022 meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report was reviewed. Motion by Wheeler and seconded by Dengler to approve the monthly billings. It was approved unanimously.
Correspondence: none
Reports: Grimm's Library Director printed report gave statistics, highlights and upcoming events.
Old Business: City of Montezuma will keep and store the library's old Ricoh printer. Discussion on library having programming options for adults. Grimm proposed a wine history and tasting workshop with information presented by Ackerman & Fireside Wineries. While the board and city council thought the history of wine making would be an appropriate adult program, sampling of wine was not encouraged.
New Business: Updated circulation policy was discussed and will be addressed at March meeting.
Motion by James and seconded by Dengler to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for March 9, 2022.
Nicole VerMeer, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-January 12, 2022
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met January 12, 2022 with the following members present: Harold Wheeler, Sally Johnston, Jim Kivi, Barb Baker, LeeAnn James and Nicole VerMeer. Absent: Janet McKee, Boyd Sparks and Derrick Dengler. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
The minutes of the December 2021 meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was reviewed. Motion by Baker and seconded by Johnston to approve the monthly billings. It was approved unanimously.
Correspondence: Letter from Randy Horn saying the price of monthly window cleaning is increasing from $1.00 per window to $1.50 per window.
Reports: Grimm’s Library Director report gave statistics, highlights and upcoming events.
New Business: Grimm talked about hosting an adult program to include wine history and wine tasting in the near future. The FOTMPL group would pay the $50 program fee. Kivi would check with the city’s attorney about ramifications. FOTMPL board members had encouraged staff to add more adult programming. Grimm also asked about having the Iowa State University Insect Zoo come to the library this June for a program. The cost would be $243.70. Motion by VerMeer and seconded by James to reserve date in June with the ISU Insect Zoo and send payment.
Now that the FOTMPL has donated a new color copier/printer, the library’s Ricoh printer is not being used as much. Will discuss options with city as far as what to do with old printer. Kivi will address how to make purchases for library programs and supplies going forward.
Motion by Baker and seconded by James to approve FY23 budget as written by city director of finance Abby Hubbard. The board voted for a 3 percent cost of living increase for full-time and part-time library staff. It was unanimously approved.
Motion by Wheeler and seconded by James to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Next meeting is scheduled for February 9, 2022.
Nicole VerMeer, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-December 17, 2021
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met December 17, 2021 with the following members present: Jim Kivi, Boyd Sparks, Harold Wheeler, Janet McKee and Nicole VerMeer by speaker phone. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
Motion by Sparks and seconded by McKee to approve the monthly bills. Motion was unanimously approved.
Motion by McKee and seconded by Sparks to adjourn was unanimously approved.
Jim Kivi, President
Meeting Minutes-November 10, 2021
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met November 10, 2021 with the following members present:, Harold Wheeler, Jim Kivi, Derrick Dengler, LeeAnn James and Nicole VerMeer. Absent Janet McKee, Barb Baker, Boyd Sparks and Sally Johnston. Library Director Christine Grimm was also present.
The minutes of the October 2021 meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was reviewed. Motion by Dengler and second by Wheeler to approve the monthly billings. It was approved unanimously.
Reports: Grimm’s Library Director report gave statistics, highlights and upcoming events. Board reviewed letter and budget submitted by Friends of the Montezuma Public Library president Stacie Cameron.
New Business: Grimm explained that the current desktop phones need replaced as they are no longer holding a charge. Price comparisons show that it is more cost efficient to replace the entire phone vs buying new batteries. VerMeer motioned and Dengler seconded approval for Grimm to order new phones. It was approved unanimously.
Board discussed possibility of forming a budget committee that would include members of this board and the Friends group in the future. As required by the state credentialing process, the board completed the City of Montezuma’s Annual Performance Review for library director Grimm. The board commends Grimm for receiving her Public Library Certification Director Endorsement.
Next meeting is scheduled for January 12, 2022 as the board does not meet in December. January meeting will include budget figures to propose to the City Council.
Motion by Wheeler second by Dengler to adjourn. It was unanimously approved.
Nicole VerMeer, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-October 13, 2021
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met October 13, 2021 with the following members present: Harold Wheeler, Derrick Dengler, Nicole VerMeer, Janet McKee, LeAnn James, Boyd Sparks and Barb Baker. Absent were Sally Johnston and Jim Kivi. The librarian Christine Grimm was also present.
Harold Wheeler called the meeting to order.
On motion by Boyd Sparks the secretary minutes were read and approved, it was seconded by Nicole VerMeer. It was unanimously approved.
The treasurer’s report was read and discussed, there was a motion by LeAnn James, seconded by Derrick Dengler to approve the treasurer report, it was unanimously approved.
Motion by Nicole VerMeer and second by Janet McKee, to pay the bills as presented, it was approved unanimously.
LeAnn James read correspondence from Sally Johnston in regards to a thank you for the funeral flowers for Denny, then she read a thank you from Taryn Young in regards to the hidden pumpkin challenge.
Christine shared her Director’s report to the board.
The board reviewed and discussed the revised Library Collection Development Policy, it was moved by Derrick Dengler and seconded by LeAnn James to approve the policy as presented. It was unanimously approved.
The board reviewed and discussed the Library Circulation Policy, it was moved by LeAnn James and seconded by Nicole VerMeer to approve the policy as presented. It was unanimously approved.
The Great Poweshiek Community Fund was discussed and it was decided to table any further discussion until we can talk with Nicole Behrens in regards to our options.
The empty lot south of the library was discussed, it was decided to table any further discussion for another meeting.
Christine handed out performance review forms for the board members to fill out and bring back to the next meeting.
On motion by LeAnn James and seconded by Nicole VerMeer the meeting was adjourned. It was unanimously approved.
Barb Baker, Secretary
Meeting Minutes-September 8, 2021
Montezuma Public Library Board of Trustees met September 8, 2021 with the following members present: Harold Wheeler, Jim Kivi, Derrick Dengler, Nicole VerMeer, Janet McKee, Sally Johnston, LeAnn James, Boyd Sparks and Barb Baker. The librarian Christine Grimm was also present.
Jim Kivi called the meeting to order.
On motion by Sally Johnston the secretary minutes were read and approved, it was seconded by Harold Wheeler. It was unanimously approved.
The treasurer’s report was read and discussed, there was a motion by Derrick Dengler, seconded by LeAnn James to approve the treasurer report, it was unanimously approved.
Motion by LeAnn James and second by Nicole Vermeer, to pay the bills as presented, it was approved unanimously.
In old business for the library, it was reported by Jim Kivi that the city council approved that we sell our old books to the Friends of the Library for $1.00. The board also discussed not renewing our subscribtion to the Des Moines Register.
The board reviewed and discussed the revised Personnel Policy that was last reviewed on June 13, 2018. The revised policy which was shown by the highlighted portions regarding changing the wording to Library Director, was approved by motion LeAnn James and seconded by Derrick Dengler, it was unanimously approved.
The board reviewed and discussed the Materials Selection Policy as presented by librarian Christine Grimm, after some discussion it was decided to table this policy until next month, so we had time to check out the portion of section 6, number B.
The board reviewed and discussed the Montezuma Public Library By-Laws as presented by librarian Christine Grimm, it was moved by Derrick Dengler and seconded by LeAnn James to approve the By-Laws with the highlighted items, it was unanimously approved.
Story time was discussed, starting in October story time will be moving to Tuesday morning instead of Friday mornings.
On motion by Sally Johnston and seconded by Nicole VerMeer the meeting was adjourned. It was unanimously approved.
Barb Baker, Secretary